Nutritional Information
Our meal program promotes both physical and social development. Monthly menus are available at the sites.
The Childs-pace Developmental Center participates in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) offered by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and serves meals at no separate charge to all enrolled children. The reimbursement received from the CACFP helps with our food costs, and therefore, enables us to keep our fees for care as low as possible.
Nutritional Program
Balanced meals including a variety of foods provide a foundation for developing positive attitudes toward food, understanding good nutrition and forming good eating habits. Breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack supply the combination of food in the amounts children will eat and enjoy.
Meals and Snacks
Meals and snacks will contain, as a minimum, food components and quantities established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines. Foods purchased and prepared at the center will promote the reduction of salt, sugar, and fats and the increase of grains, fruits and vegetables.
Family style meal service is an integral part of our food program. Children are encouraged to serve themselves and try all foods, but are never forced to eat. Active involvement in food preparation, table set up and clean up is included.
Menus created by Childs-pace are posted in the center for review. Food substitutions may occur, depending on season/availability.
Parents whose children have severe food allergies or special nutritional needs should notify the Center Director. A physician’s note is required if your child requires special food or is unable to participate in center meals.
We provide breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack. Times vary according to each center’s schedule.
We avoid foods of low nutritional value and those that have excess sugar and fat. These foods do not help your child do well in school. We request that you DO NOT SEND any food to the children’s center.
Any foods that are sent to the center will be confiscated until the end of the day and returned home with the parent.
Children may bring a toothbrush to the center, as they are encouraged to brush their teeth after meals. A dental health program is incorporated into the daily activities at some centers.